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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > Is the Harp Shield still ...
Is the Harp Shield still ...
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1183 posts
Jun 14, 2017
9:41 AM
... in production? I saw a claim to the contrary, but the person who made the claim didn´t appear very trustworthy.
120 posts
Jun 14, 2017
1:54 PM
Not only is it still in production, it's our third most popular pedal.

It confuses me why would anyone say it isn't.
--Nathan Heck
General Manager, Lone Wolf Blues Co.
1184 posts
Jun 14, 2017
5:02 PM
I was a bit surprised to see that your Swedish retailer didn´t list them among the LW pedals he sells. I´ve asked him about it and await a reply. (It´s no fun buying things Transatlantic and getting that custom fee slapped on you.)
The guy who claimed they were out of production (it was a Youtube comment) had his own pedal to sell I think, but as I said, not very trustworthy.
121 posts
Jun 15, 2017
6:15 AM
Our Swedish dealer is actually going to be ending his relationship with us due to the excessively high import fees to Sweden. So, he probably only has the pedals he still has in stock listed.

I would recommend Peter at Harmonicas-direct.com (UK), Martin at http://www.schlaile.de (Germany) or Francesco at harpelite.com (Italy)

--Nathan Heck
General Manager, Lone Wolf Blues Co.
1185 posts
Jun 15, 2017
8:00 AM
Thanks Nathan.
But what a pity -- we Swedes embarras ourselves. I will check out the other sources within the European Union.

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