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Carlos Del Junco on making a living in music
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1051 posts
Oct 20, 2016
12:01 PM
From a year or so ago... an interesting and in-depth discussion.

Last Edited by mr_so&so on Oct 20, 2016 1:39 PM
42 posts
Oct 20, 2016
1:13 PM
Really interesting part (for me) at 33min where he briefly talks about intentionally adding breath-sound to emulate a saxophone. I wonder how common that technique is.
43 posts
Oct 21, 2016
7:52 PM
On a similar vein, I've been reading Springsteen's book lately. Worth a read just learn about his dedication to his craft and complete abhorrence of anything that could get in the way of it. He worked hard to never have a job.
3773 posts
Oct 27, 2016
9:04 AM
i really liked his suggestion of working backwards when learning a solo.
i would have never in a million years thought of that.

what i fail to comprehend is why on earth would someone
who is doing a video on the business side of music,
not include a link to paypal?

i see this happen all the time, it never ceases to amaze me.
in this day and age when it is harder than ever to eck out a living playing music
why not make it easy for your audience to pay you?

it is often a impulse buy for a lot of people. so why on earth would you not make it easy?

the only person i have ever heard of doing this is jason. so right now
i will see if i can find one of his video's and see if there is a link to click on.

if there is i will leave a small donation just because he made it easy.

if there is any difficulty then i will not bother.

rudimentary business 101.
Moon Cat
607 posts
Oct 27, 2016
5:04 PM
Thanks 1847! I have links in most the videos and in most the descriptions if not all of them and on my Youtube site itself.
3827 posts
Nov 14, 2016
11:26 AM
so this is what i am talking about....
see this you tube video here?
you simply click on the link, it takes you to pay pal

this is the only video i have ever seen that has done this. it should be that simple.

this thread talks about on making a living playing music, and this is not discussed. why?

this guy has figured it out. he gets a buck fifty just because.

Last Edited by 1847 on Nov 14, 2016 11:26 AM
3828 posts
Nov 14, 2016
11:37 AM
Get your own PayPal.Me link

Let your friends and family send you money from anywhere, anytime.
See how it works.


Last Edited by 1847 on Nov 14, 2016 11:37 AM

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