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ZZZZZTTtt!! Swapping Tubes Question.
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53 posts
Oct 07, 2016
8:31 AM
Can someone please remind me? When swapping tubes, do I need to worry about electrocution?
I just want to try a few different tunes in a VHT Special 6.

I may not be ready to die.
Thank you!
970 posts
Oct 07, 2016
8:52 AM
Yes ... always worry.
54 posts
Oct 07, 2016
9:00 AM
“If we people become more helpful to others, there will be much less tragedy in the world.”
- Mehmet Murat ildan

(Mehmet would hate you, fuya)

Last Edited by Mensh on Oct 07, 2016 9:00 AM
55 posts
Oct 07, 2016
9:10 AM
“If we people become more helpful to others, there will be much less tragedy in the world!”
- Mehmet Murat ildan

Last Edited by Mensh on Oct 07, 2016 9:11 AM
56 posts
Oct 07, 2016
9:14 AM
Oh, come on! It was a quote about being helpful!!

(my two previous answers were, I guess, too harsh?)
971 posts
Oct 07, 2016
9:40 AM
.... about everything
57 posts
Oct 07, 2016
9:49 AM
1538 posts
Oct 07, 2016
2:42 PM
Geez! Give the guy a break!
First-unplug it from the mains.
Switch it to standby
Use one hand to gently pull the tube out. It helps to use a rockimg circular motion.Keep your other hand in your pocket.This is the ultra safe method but you have no worries if its unplugged,just don't grab it at the very base.
They have an orientation "notch" pay attention to that when reinserting.
973 posts
Oct 08, 2016
7:05 AM
With no indication of your experience level I wouldn't want to be the one responsible for your premature face to face w/ Mehmet. I would change the wording from worry to wary. Respect is important.

I sometimes use a rubber sleeve (ie from bicycle tubes) for heat protection. If it is tight I prefer to pull from the base rather than the glass but you need to avoid contact with the pins until it is free.

The one hand in pocket is excellent advice but unplugged doesn't necessarily mean you are zap proof.

There is plenty of web help on this. Just google: "how to remove hot vacuum tube"
Thievin' Heathen
843 posts
Oct 08, 2016
8:42 AM
Unplug the amp and turn it on. Use one of your other amps for about a week while the caps run down and the tubes cool off, swap out the tube(s) and go back to that amp.

If you don't have another amp to use, use this as a good reason to buy another amp. "Honey, you don't want me to electrocute myself, do you?"

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