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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > How to play "blues modes" video
How to play "blues modes" video
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34 posts
May 18, 2016
1:43 PM
Great tip explained in this video - use the root note of each chord during chord changes, but stay in the blues scale:

1414 posts
May 18, 2016
4:17 PM
Nice good post.

I dig that. Basically stay in the 2nd position blues scale. Just stop and start your run with the root me of the current cord. ( During changes ofcourse)

Im do glad i dont play guitar. That ish looks tough.
 photo 1461480733176-3_zpsi8pqqu3q.jpg
35 posts
May 18, 2016
6:56 PM
Yeah - you get a fresh root note (low and high) for each chord change. I'll try it next time I practice, see if I can actually do it.

He explains it good, but I will never be a jazz guitarist - they're on another planet.

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