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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > Crate Palomino V8 amp
Crate Palomino V8 amp
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Rockin Daddy
16 posts
Apr 21, 2016
7:01 AM
For a small amp, I have a Crate Palomino V8. It is the US made version and I am wondering if anyone else plays through one of these for either practice or low volume gigs. When I get the volume on the high side, it starts to get thinner in tone, screams like an angry bee. My question is, I have seen Joe Filisko use one of these in the videos of his classes. Does anyone know if his is stock or if he has changed anything in it? I was thinking of swapping the speaker as I've heard the Celestion speakers in these are very thin sounding. Any advice would be appreciated in getting a better sound from this small amp with cool looks.

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