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Barley Nectar
1099 posts
Feb 01, 2016
7:13 AM
When I wake up there is a song playing in my head. This morning it was Glendale Train. Yesterday it was some unknown swing piece, just a groove. Rarely is a song not in my head when I wake.

Is this common with musicians or am I just weird?..BN
13 posts
Feb 01, 2016
7:30 AM
I will NOT call you weird just for waking up whith a song in your head.

But, I wake up with the alarmclock tune every day.
1852 posts
Feb 01, 2016
10:28 PM
BN there is pretty much a constant sound track happening in my head. Usually something I have just heard or am working on playing or singing.

BronzeWailer's YouTube
Barley Nectar
1105 posts
Feb 02, 2016
8:21 AM
This morn, Old Lang Syne, LOL

I'm sure no one cares, I find this strangely amusing! No, I will not be telling you every day...BN
1500 posts
Feb 02, 2016
11:27 AM
Not every day but it happens. I have no choice in the song selection. Sometimes it's a tune I like. Other times,it's a song I absolutely hate. Go figure.
71 posts
Feb 02, 2016
7:23 PM
It's usually a song I was playing the day before and it just keeps repeating over and over. Probably not only musicians...more than likely common to all.
Garlic Breath
39 posts
Feb 02, 2016
8:35 PM
Barley, happens every day. Usually determines which harp I'll take along to work. Sometimes it's just a riff. Sometimes, till I get to work, I've forgotten the original riff and something new just comes out. How many times have you spontaneously played something really cool in your car, and wished you had been able to record it for future reference? Oh well, that's harp. The latest song is "It Takes Three" by David Barret, Gary Smith, and Ali Kumar. I play it on my phone and jam along. I would love to see a jam where we could each do a few bars of solo to this song. Maybe at SPAH. We'll call it "It Takes Everybody". Somebody post the youtube video, and we'll all practice till then.

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