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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > VT 20 Vox amp good for harp?
VT 20 Vox amp good for harp?
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2244 posts
Jun 12, 2015
5:41 AM
Vox solid state 20w amp, with dial in different amp sounds including a setting for bassman.

Has anyone tried this amp? It is light and reasonably priced

Thanks Nick
2656 posts
Jun 12, 2015
6:00 AM
It's a valve preamp I think Nick. 8" speaker?
I played through a 30w model a few years ago I think. Only in a shop though. I think member Garry (Gary?) has a VT of some description, maybe the 50w. A guitarist friend of mine has the 50 and has remained happy with it for 5 years now.
I think these Hybrid modelling amps usually have some useable settings, but finding the right ones can take a bit of time. I have a little vibrochamp XD which is kind of the other approach to hybrid, with tube power amp and a chip for the preamp voices (but a tube driver). It's only got one out of 16 voices which are any good for the harp mic, but that's all I need. Always gets complements when I use it.
Biggest issue might be serviceability, but I think the Vox units are built pretty well and seem to stay the distance ok. Oh, but maybe the 8" is less than ideal. I mean, I don't mind 8"s but they definitely have limitations.
745 posts
Jun 12, 2015
7:56 AM
Is an OK amp, not very loud, but is OK, not a FB nightmare at all.

The Roland Cube 15 (and 30) are great amps for the same price.
Sorry for any misspell, english is not my first language.
65 posts
Jun 12, 2015
10:14 AM
I have one. it works OK for me. The biggest issue IMO is that the speaker is just not that good. I use it more for guitar now since I bought a kalamazoo model 2.

I am not sure about "not very loud" it's pretty loud for me, at least as loud as the Kalamazoo.

You can go to the nearest guitar center and take your harps and mic and try one out. That is what I did.
577 posts
Jun 12, 2015
6:03 PM
I can't speak to the 20 specifically, but I'm a big fan of the Vox modeling amps. I've got an older VT30 (replaced by the VT40), and a VT80. I generally play through the AC15 or AC30 amp models, with a little delay or chorus.


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