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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > 10 music genres perfect explained
10 music genres perfect explained
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2649 posts
Jun 11, 2015
2:52 PM
That's it, bluegrass and jazz are the only genres I can listen to now, except maybe some blues when I'm in the complaining frame. The 'folk' characterisation was pretty pointy and thin but the rest not bad. Would have liked to see grind core explained but mainly because I can't understand it and never able to listen long enough to understand despite most songs less than a minute long. I think it's 'venting' though...my mate was in a Shanghai band called 'spill yer guts'...which sounds a bit like venting but that may have not been grind core, old school hardcore maybe...maybe all that stuff is characterised as punk...I appreciate it but I can't listen

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