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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > Harpboxing - where'd it go?
Harpboxing - where'd it go?
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216 posts
Apr 23, 2015
2:33 PM
Harpboxing was popular 5-6 years ago, but seems to have fallen off the edge of the world. What happened? Or have I just not been paying attention?
8457 posts
Apr 23, 2015
3:49 PM
Brandon Bailey is coming out with something new, but the first track looks like he's gone with a drum machine.


I've been listening to Scarecrow, but that's not quite harpboxing, more hip hop blues harp, and not all of it has harp.

I'm still doing it a little when I'm playing by myself. I've got one klezmer number where I do some very basic beats harpboxing, but it's easier to just use a stompbox.

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First Post- May 8, 2009

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