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Cashless commuters
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44 posts
Apr 21, 2015
8:53 AM
I tried posting this with a link, but it was removed twice. So, here is a copy of the relevant part of the article from The Economist:
"Another problem for them is that people are carrying less cash. “People actually apologise for not having money,” says Bryan Wilson, a cellist with “You Bred Raptors?”, a “prehistoric post-rock” busking band. This may be about to change. The Busking Project, an advocacy group, has created a digital toolkit to let performers accept cashless payments. It is early days, but people are donating between $3 and $20 and—crucially—staying in touch afterwards. The project is also developing an app that would allow customers to buy a performer’s music from their phones. (This may not work in the subway until it has better Wi-Fi.)"
The other problem is officious police...discussed in other posts. Oh, it's NYC.
Phil Pennington
1757 posts
Apr 21, 2015
10:52 AM
Here is the link to the article.

And some sort of relevant text to pacify the SPAM eater:

I slept last night in a good hotel
I went shopping today for jewels
The wind rushed around in the dirty town
And the children let out from the schools
I was standing on a noisy corner
Waiting for the walking green
Across the street he stood
And he played real good
On his clarinet, for free

Now me I play for fortunes
And those velvet curtain calls
I've got a black limousine
And two gentlemen
Escorting me to the halls
And I play if you have the money
Or if you're a friend to me
But the one man band
By the quick lunch stand
He was playing real good, for free

Nobody stopped to hear him
Though he played so sweet and high
They knew he had never
Been on their T.V.
So they passed his music by
I meant to go over and ask for a song
Maybe put on a harmony...
I heard his refrain
As the signal changed
He was playing real good, for free
188 posts
Apr 21, 2015
12:00 PM
I love me some good old Paul Simon lyrics
189 posts
Apr 21, 2015
12:08 PM
oops, Joni Mitchell, my brain is getting old
8451 posts
Apr 21, 2015
12:50 PM
There are several sites to do this. Adam started one with QR codes. I've brainstormed about it. The trick, I think, is really public education. I think really the app may have to piggyback on a larger payment model. People are reluctant to load an app just to make a payment to a busker, but if they already have the app for other purposes I think it stands a better chance- particularly if they are familiar with the format. If it's QR code based they have to know instinctively to click the QR code and type in a number. If it's too complicated they'll give up, particularly since they aren't getting any specific benefit from it. (You'll keep busking, whether they tip or not, at least in the moment.)

I like the idea of giving them a digital download in exchange for a tip. That gets complicated the moment you are playing covers though. Do you get ASCAP involved?

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