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1 post
Apr 12, 2015
8:35 PM
Hi, my name is Peter, originally from Long Island, but I study engineering at Rochester Institute of Technology.

I guess what drew me to harmonica was my grandfather, he was a really good player back in the day. I don't remember much about him, he died when I was very little, so learning to play harp seemed to be the best way to connect to him and I've always thought that it would be a fun instrument to pick up. My dad and I listen to a lot of blues and folk as well.

Thanks to a Blues and the Harmonica Class taught by Professor Tom Hanney at RIT, I've been able to get started. It's the first semester that the class has run, and we've gotten into a lot of Delta blues and the history of the blues in general in addition to playing. It's a fantastic class and I've been telling a lot of my friends to take it in future semesters, so hopefully we can keep it going. It's a great opportunity to bring the blues into your life (and for me, a good distraction from engineering courses!).

I have a few of my grandfather's harmonicas. If the picture posts, his are on the left. It appears he used the 12 hole Marine Band in C the most, that one is pretty worn and missing a reed. In that box, there is a list of the songs that he played written in his hand. Very cool to have. The 14 hole MB in C appears to be played much less, it's in great shape. Then there's a "World Star," I've never heard of it, seems to be a C echo harp from Japan.

My harmonicas are on the right. I've had that cheapo "Parrot" echo since I was 3, it's taken quite a beating but still plays ok-ish. Echo's aren't really my style, and especially not that one! Then there's the 10 hole MB in C that I use for class, I guess the first harmonica of my own that I've played, and I really like it a lot. I think I'll be sticking to MB's for awhile since it's what my grandfather played. I just recently bought the MB Crossover in Bb. The Crossover, I must say, is a fantastic harmonica as well, totally worth the extra cost, the bamboo comb feels fantastic.

If you'd like to see some closeups of the older harmonicas, please let me know, I'd be happy to post more pictures of those.


1650 posts
Apr 12, 2015
9:12 PM
Welcome aboard Pete!

You clearly have a passion for the harp. I wish you many happy years of playing with this little instrument!
BronzeWailer's YouTube
1931 posts
Apr 12, 2015
11:13 PM
Pete, my Gramps was the first person I ever heard play harmonica. He took me under his wing sort of at age 4 after my dad passed away suddenly, Music was about all that could bring me out of my depression.
I did not directly inherit any of his stuff at all, but when I was a teenager, my mom let me have a harmonica that Gramps had given my father the year I was born, 1955. Dad I think never got around to learning to play I guess. Sort of a double legacy. I blew the hell out of that harp and it's long gone today. And it was many years after these events that I really began to play pretty well.
Cherish those harps.


Glass Harp Full
21 posts
Apr 13, 2015
12:22 AM
Thanks for sharing your story and photos Peter. The course sounds great too. I wish there was something like that when I was at university.
Meaux Jeaux
68 posts
Apr 13, 2015
7:37 AM
Peter, welcome you seem to be well on your way, the class you are attending sounds fascinating. Could you post some of the tunes from your grandfathers list? I love old time harmonica tunes.
Thanks, Peter "Meaux Jeaux" Burnett
8413 posts
Apr 13, 2015
12:29 PM
Welcome aboard! My first harmonica was a gift from my grandmother. It's a cheap tremolo she bought as a souvenir, but it's very dear to me.

Play outside. It's a gorgeous day here in Upstate New York.

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First Post- May 8, 2009
jason campbell
14 posts
Apr 13, 2015
12:40 PM
Got my first harps when my Grandfather passed on.
231 posts
Apr 13, 2015
1:59 PM
hi peter!

i like parrot tremolos.i get them very cheap in chinatown,and use them for some stuff in D. then i give them to audience members. too fun.

i get up to long island or shelter island once in a while.good music scene around stony brooke and near brookhaven national labs .

if you're ever in philly,give me a shout.

good luck in your playing journey.
8420 posts
Apr 14, 2015
10:39 AM
I just noticed we had someone posting from Rochester a couple days ago in the Where are you from Page.


Thread Organizer (A list of all sorts of useful threads)

First Post- May 8, 2009

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