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Guitar Players and Harp Players, A Positive Note
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719 posts
Apr 09, 2015
9:37 PM
I thought I would throw this into the ether just because I think that has to be done from time to time.

One hears a lot about guitar players dissing harmonica player. You know, harp players step on toes, over play, are too loud, are too quiet, are generally a pain in the ass. And to be fair much the same is said in the other direction. But then you have the wonderful exceptions.

We recorded the record with keys but the the keyboard player we used was unavailable for gigs. We brought in another but again he was in high demand and availability became an issue. Bringing in a guitar player that worked and was willing to play the correct role behind our dyed in the wool old school Texas blues man, Matthew Robinson, was also problematical but there was one guy I thought could do the job if he was available, Greg Duffy.

Greg has an enviable resume' having played at one time or another played with Elvin Bishop, Buddy Miles, and John Mayall. But Greg is a pro. He plays wonderful country guitar, knows his jazz, and when the time is right can melt your face with the best of them. He also knows very well how to support and allow the star to shine. As Matt said to me after a couple of gigs, "We need to keep this guy. He ain't got nothin' to prove to nobody."

Thing is it worked in the other direction big time. Greg absolutely loves Matt and playing with the Jelly Kings. It was a couple pieces of advise that Matt gave him on playing the blues and one particularly emotional conversation when Greg was at the nadir of his domestic situation. "You don't understand, man. Matt and you guys saved me today."

So Greg is reluctantly having to leave the state. But typical of the man's character, he is making the best of it. Found himself a great job with Fender. Even got a couple of gigs lined up. Tonight there was a going away party at a bar that has been Greg's workplace and clubhouse for several years. So I went on down.

We have a gig this Saturday but I'm not supposed to do it. I have this screwed up vertebrae in my neck and the Dr gave me strict orders not to do the gig, along with some weapons grade meds.

When I told Greg, he immediately says, "Wow. No man, I can't do the gig without you." I told him not to be silly. Of course he could. It would be fine. "No, You don't understand. You're my anchor. When we take off to the zone I always know you're there. Matt, Jeff, Pete,you and me, that's the chemistry. That's the Jelly Kings."

There were some more nice things he said about what I bring to the show but the reason I tell this story is not because I think I'm a shit hot harp player. I'm not. I'm solid. I'm better than most not as good as a whole bunch right here in town but I'll hold my own with anybody. I've got what I do and I've been doing it a long time in a lot of places. No the reason is because playing in a band, particularly playing harmonica in a band, can be full of negative crap. I think it's human nature and too easy to get eyeballs deep in that and loose sight of how good it can be. The way it can make you feel when you've got a bunch of guys who love and respect each other, who can play their asses off and have the best time in the world while doing it.

So Saturday I will get someone to drive me down and help with the amp. I WILL do this gig. There is no other choice. In the highly unlikely event I should die on Sunday I do not ever want my last thought to be, "Bollocks! I should have done that gig with Greg and the guys." That would truly suck.


Last Edited by LSC on Apr 09, 2015 9:48 PM
8402 posts
Apr 09, 2015
9:43 PM
A good bandmate is hard to find, regardless of the instrument. I've got people who cut the mustard as friends who are also musicians, who don't cut it as band members (reliability is nice in a friend, but not requisite). Seize the day.

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First Post- May 8, 2009
796 posts
Apr 10, 2015
5:32 AM
Good story LSC.
Just received a note myself about an upcoming small gig where I said I´ll be glad to sit in on an occasional number, since I´m at the party. (I´m friend with the guys; I´d be paid in booze.) "No no, we want you there all through the event!"
OK. More booze for me.
And harmonica players have to be glad for the credits they receive.

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