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Video snip of PentaBender playing Uptown Funk
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1252 posts
Feb 21, 2015
5:00 PM
This is a video selfie (is there a name for this?) from last night--I tuned a 365 to PentaBender and it was perfect for this song!
It's a relative of Power Chromatic, but with 5 holes per octave, and the "chords" are the same as what is played on the recording.
I find that you can fudge with a chromatic in C too--hey, kids, it's third position!
1664 posts
Feb 23, 2015
4:08 AM
That's an interesting sound. Reminds me of keyboard of some sort.
1253 posts
Feb 23, 2015
7:41 AM
Thanks Diggs--the notes match the horns on the record, talk about lucky. Since the tuning is pentatonic, that first chord would be Dm7/11, yes?
As opposed to the Dm6 on chromatic, or the Dm7 on Power Chromatic.

Last Edited by Gnarly on Feb 23, 2015 7:43 AM
1426 posts
Jul 16, 2015
11:30 PM
Tonight, a gig with the same band, substituted a Power Chromatic in C6/D6, worked fine. That's a Brendan tuning . . .

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