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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > Need gaskets? Quick announcement
Need gaskets? Quick announcement
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Greg Heumann
2919 posts
Dec 21, 2014
10:31 AM
Hi, All

Gaskets are those rubber rings that mount element "X" into microphone shell "Y". Although it was reported before, you may recall that Dave Scudamore, who had the site "harpmicgaskets.com" passed away suddenly earlier this year.

It has taken a while but I reached an agreement with Dave's widow to buy
the molds he used, so I am now in the gasket business. I have rights to the harpmicgaskets.com URL but it won't be active for some time.

I have not updated my web site yet and it may be a while before I get to it. However you can order by contacting me via email (greg at blowsmeaway dot com). All gaskets are $15; orders for 6 or more of the same model are 15% off, 25 or more 25% off.



BlowsMeAway Productions
See my Customer Mics album on Facebook
Bluestate on iTunes

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