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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > Semi-OT: Clever shirt/hoodie
Semi-OT: Clever shirt/hoodie
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2647 posts
Oct 05, 2014
10:22 AM
Just caught this on FB...combines two of my favorite things in life: Trek and audio electronics. :-)

 photo IMG_149352782950697.jpeg
 photo mbhsigaug14.jpg

Hawkeye Kane - Hipbone Sam
8040 posts
Oct 05, 2014
12:56 PM
JustFuya, but the others will be assimilated.

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First Post- May 8, 2009
581 posts
Oct 05, 2014
1:09 PM
I can see myself explaining schematics to the very few who care enough to ask and missing the smiles of those that understand.

Side note - I wear silk screened t-shirts often. I occasionally catch people looking at my breasts and feel violated and hurt that there is no eye contact. Then it dawns on me.
2648 posts
Oct 05, 2014
1:27 PM
It took me a second to fully grasp the entire joke of it. I also thought for a moment that an ohm symbol might've worked... but then it'd be "Impedance is Futile"...doesn't quite have the same effect. ;-)
 photo mbhsigaug14.jpg

Hawkeye Kane - Hipbone Sam
1120 posts
Oct 05, 2014
1:29 PM
I like that there are 2 levels of understanding. One if you just know the zig-zag stands for resistance and the other if you also understand the futility of the resistor in that circuit!

I showed it to my 15 year old son and he laughed, so he gets it at least at the first level. I dare not ask if he understands it any further as he will be offended by the inquiry, whether he understand it or not!

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