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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > (Acoustic CRUNCH), Who uses it, How's it Done?
(Acoustic CRUNCH), Who uses it, How's it Done?
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5293 posts
Sep 12, 2014
6:52 AM
(Acoustic CRUNCH), Who uses it, How's it Done?

Any examples of harp players that are able to pull out some great acoustic crunch techniques from their bag of tricks? :)
2221 posts
Sep 12, 2014
7:26 AM
What is it?
Perhaps you should give an example.
Are you talking about a hard 34 draw, like Ronnie Shellist uses?
Greg Heumann
2829 posts
Sep 12, 2014
8:39 AM
Most people use the term "crunch" to describe amplifier/mic-induced tone, but I'lll guess what you mean to say:

It comes from double-note bends, but more importantly from tongue slaps, pulls and other TB methods that change the attack or end of the notes and add rhythmic sounds.

BlowsMeAway Productions
See my Customer Mics album on Facebook
Bluestate on iTunes
93 posts
Sep 12, 2014
1:09 PM
Agree with Greg, I think the acoustic crunch comes from the intentional use of double notes, tongue effects and throat growls. The kind of sound you can hear from Tom Ball, Ronnie Shellist, Howlin' Wolf...
1607 posts
Sep 13, 2014
5:35 AM
Acoustic crunch is something that happens when you are able to open way up and and the sound of each individual note becomes more complex and sounds like natural distortion.
James Cotton!
Use a mic that doesn't distort and try to play with the fattest tone possible.
That doesn't mean crank up the bass!
Bass kills tone.
Some harps are better than others for this.
1547 posts
Sep 13, 2014
7:21 AM
I think there's some crunch in here.


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