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OT - The Bloody Spam Filter Again?!?!?!?
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Honkin On Bobo
1246 posts
Sep 10, 2014
9:58 AM
Ok so 2 new posts rejected even though I did the hit the enter key a few times after the post thingy. My questions are: 1) Does this mean I have to copy and paste a mile of unrelated drivel (like frank often does) to keep the post on the page?

And 2) since the spam filter thinks I'm spam, should I just start attaching pitches for crap under the "you're getting punished for it anyway" rule?

WAFGPITA!!!!!! (what a f***ing giant pain in the ass) hey, i just made one of those stupid internet acronym things......a sure sign the apocalypse has arrived

EDIT: In lightning fashion a mod (nate i suspect) restored them now THAT was impressive......... new title: The All Seeing All Knowing Great and Powerful NACORAN!!!!!!!!!

As Emily Litella (go ahead look it up) would say: Oh, NEVER MIND!

Last Edited by Honkin On Bobo on Sep 10, 2014 10:10 AM
7990 posts
Sep 10, 2014
12:33 PM
I didn't even see your post until after they'd been restored. You just happened to post right before I cleared the folder for the day. I have no supper speed abilities. You are just confusing me with Rockin' Ron. :)

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