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Annie Raines lessons - also practicing.
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230 posts
Mar 04, 2014
11:33 AM
Hi, one of the responses to the thread I put up recently on developing your ear was Superbee (I think) posting a great Annie Raines' Youtube lesson - easy solo in G. This wasn't precisely responding to my question about one's "ear" - it was more about some great practice tips. I can't tell you how good a teacher she is (well, I guess I just did) - she's clear, articulate and has a great plan for what she wants to cover. There are a bunch of other very useful lessons on Youtube, and a course you can buy from her.

I have decided to add one or more of her short videos to my practice routine. What I normally do is spend 20-30 minutes playing each morning (I'm lucky - I work for myself from my home and can usually do this). I run through several songs each morning - Juke, something by John Lee Williamson, something by Paul deLay, Born In Chicago - then several songs that my band plays. Every once in a while I record myself and listen (should do this more). Also, occasionally, I will play with a tuner working on bends etc.
At night I do the same thing, mainly playing, but with different songs. I was one of the original participants on Jerry Portnoy's site - sonic-junction - and learned a lot from him. Overall, I think this is a good way for me to practice and I have improved a lot in the past couple of years, but it is good to find someone new to listen to such as Annie. I also play weekly at a good blues jam and with my band (mainly weekly practice but some gigs). And several of the best harp players in Seattle are good friends and available for questions. Oh, and when I am not on the phone, I usually have blues playing in the background. Any other suggestions, or tips that have helped any of you?
125 posts
Mar 04, 2014
12:27 PM

If I may ask, How much is that course?

582 posts
Mar 04, 2014
12:36 PM
$97. Technically you could download all the exercises and ask for your money back as there is 3 months for a full refund. But it's kinda based on the honor system for people not to do that.

Andrew Larson, R.N.
583 posts
Mar 04, 2014
12:40 PM
You could and should also practice ear training quite simply by singing everything before you play it. But it's nice to find something for me that quickly drills the intervals major and minor in your head and has a lot of ways to practice hearing chords gradually building it up until you identify it quickly in the music. I'm just lazy I guess to sit at a piano and do that which is free. Convenience comes at a price.

Andrew Larson, R.N.

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