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Awesome, Ultimate, Arrogance
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904 posts
Feb 27, 2014
3:14 PM
It’s a few days out and Ill admit I’m a bit embarrassed by the vehemence of my response to the ‘Awesome’ thread. Calling anyone’s music ‘Bullshit’ is an arrogant thing to do. Arrogance is not the noblest part of my nature. Erring on the side of humility is usually a better bet as in the long run, I am sure to be humbled- if not humilliated.

What I should have said, is that video TITLE, - as it applies to the clip itself, Is IMO Bull--.

People should enjoy making and listening to music as they see fit. This tin sandwich is a folk instrument anyone can honk on. It’s also capable of so much more – in the hands, or should I say mouth, of a master. I just wish people who publish harmonica clips with the title ‘awesome’ ‘best ever’ etc. would bother to make themselves knowledgeable about the instrument and it’s better players. Not doing so is a disservice to their audience, and the instrument and even themselves.

I posted one of those clips – “ultimate harp jam” a few years back. While the admittedly hyperbolic ‘Ultimate’ can be debated – I do believe the jam featuring LD Miller, Brendan Powers, Christelle Berthon, and a 15 yr old Jay Gaunt, holds up to it’s moniker pretty well.

1712 posts
Feb 27, 2014
3:26 PM
It was a good term to use for an Australian clip though. That is a favourite Australian-ism...used to indicate disbelief. If you told me something was bullshit, I'd think you meant it was untrue or fake. If you told me it was shit, I'd think you meant it was rubbish or no good.
So saying 'bullshit' does indeed indicate to me you were referring to the title of the clip, rather than to Graham's music itself.
1172 posts
Feb 27, 2014
3:31 PM
Bonedoggie's post is The Shit.....

Underwater Janitor, Patriot
1398 posts
Feb 27, 2014
3:52 PM
I didn't think your post was arrogant so much as just dissing the player. Mighty classy of you to clarify that,though. At some point in our journey,every single one of us has sucked.
307 posts
Feb 28, 2014
2:13 AM
Ah ha. When I was first thinking about learning the harmonica more seriously, one of my sons showed me this video. I had no idea who these people were at the time - just 'some people' - and because of this video I nearly gave up before I started.

Now I know, I feel a lot happier about it! Thanks for the memory!

1043 posts
Feb 28, 2014
7:52 AM
I resemble the faults. Kudos on following up here.
Blacked My Eye and Kicked My Dog....

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