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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > Kick and Stomp goes Commercial !!
Kick and Stomp goes Commercial !!
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70 posts
Dec 27, 2013
10:04 PM
Just listening to "Holmes Makes it Right" on HGTV tonight (yeah - no life for me). $66,000 + labour putting in the 27 new windows, doors, ceiling fans, stucco, doing flashing on roofs, security alarms, duct work, railings on deck, painting, wiring, etc. on Randy and Carleen's 5 year old new home - that sort of stuff.

And then I hear the opening of Kick and Stomp being played on the harp in the middle of it. But kinda cool that K&S going commercial. Wonder who was the player was? Gave a quick credit to Randy Bachman but did not see any credits to AG in there.

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