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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > OT: Any info on instrumentation on Paris, Texas?
OT: Any info on instrumentation on Paris, Texas?
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556 posts
Dec 07, 2013
2:54 PM
The subject line is just my question, referring to the title track.

There´s a bit more going on there than one perhaps thinks at first, but I can´t analyze it -- can´t find anything worthwhile on the net either.
Several of Cooder´s "lonely"-sounding slide guitar tracks have other instruments discreetly backing him up.

244 posts
Dec 08, 2013
7:04 PM
You're right there's not a lot around on it. I gather the sound beds for Paris, Texas may have been part of his penchant for frakking around to find unusual sounds.
I remember reading an interview with him years ago in a print mag where he describes some big fat single string thing he made that gave one particular sound.
Not sure if it was for Paris, Texas but given the unusual instrumentation for the background may well have been.

This DVD (scroll to bottom) has "The best aspect of it, though, is the first bit involving the scoring of the film with footage of Cooder recording it. Most everything in this is covered elsewhere but it’s a great addition just for that."
Paris, Texas Criterion Collection

Legendary Guitars: Ry Cooder’s Martin 000-18

Cooder Tabs
Paul Cohen aka Komuso Tokugawa
HarpNinja - Your harmonica Mojo Dojo
Bringing the Boogie to the Bitstream

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