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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > Little Walter's thin tone
Little Walter's thin tone
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1501 posts
Oct 30, 2013
8:12 AM
Not only that Frank, but the three draw!
I like how started runs on the three draw and/or would end on the three draw.
It's too Late Brother
Dead Presidents
There are many more, but those are the two I listened to over and over last night.

@ Iceman Yes I'm sure most would agree with you, but it is very interesting.
Worthy of a lenghty descussion IMHO!
705 posts
Oct 30, 2013
9:38 AM
Joe, I love that tag line. I have been away from playing most all year long. I played for Mom while she was in hospice and it has caused me to somewhat distance myself from music. It'll come back. when I do pick up one of my Spier's harps I am always asking myself which key is next for me to order.


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