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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > Live lessons Oxford and elsewhere
Live lessons Oxford and elsewhere
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Oct 13, 2013
8:32 PM
I was afforded the fortunate opportunity to have a lesson with Adam in Oxford this past weekend. In and hour and a half Adam gave me new ways to think about my playing and new things to work on to make meaningful improvements - the kinds of things that make the difference between being an intermediate level amateur and a guy who 'can really play'. Adam's expertise and graciousness were beyond expectations. Plus I got to hear the truck start up. Prior to that I have had lessons with RJ Harman who, although half my age, has been a mentor to me. RJ's talent and incredibly generous attention brought me from a total hack to being reasonably adept. He's an amazing instructor and phenomenal player. RJ is a real star in a lot of ways and if you get the chance to see him play or to meet him you should take advantage of it. My point in all this rambling is this - jam tracks, you tube videos, transcription videos and every other sort of impersonal instruction are terrific but nothing provides transcendental change like live lessons with a pro. Check Adam's instructor page to find someone near you or youtube accesible - it will change your playing for the better.

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