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suzuki reeds ends
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1053 posts
Mar 03, 2013
10:07 AM
Hey all,
Just got a Manji and was looking at reeds under a scope while embossing.
There is something printed, that looks like a circuit on the end of most of the reeds. Any idea what this is about?
153 posts
Mar 03, 2013
11:43 AM
Same on mine, I think its just tunning marks maybe cut with a lazer or suhin.
1054 posts
Mar 03, 2013
5:22 PM
they all look the same, and tuning marks are big nasty scratches on mine.. maybe they are individual identifications for different reed sizes? It is not just a blob, but a fairly detailed pattern
1381 posts
Mar 04, 2013
1:44 AM
Where's the "I like it" button for the first post?

The strange look of the reeds is laser tuning.


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1055 posts
Mar 04, 2013
6:19 AM
anybody know how the process actually works? It takes away metal? They all have it (except the 3 reeds on mine) so they make the reeds tuned flat and take away materials with a laser until it is close? It looks like they still have to do some hand work after that step as there were a few conventional tune marks on the reeds
495 posts
Mar 04, 2013
5:57 PM
@ Walter Although I repair for Suzuki, I am in the US (San Diego) and have never been to the factory in Japan.
I would like to go, maybe someday . . .
BTW, the Olive has the same marks, but the ProMaster does not . . . and I think they use the same machines for all the reeds. Could it be something to do with the materials for the newer reeds?
499 posts
Mar 12, 2013
11:50 AM
I'm here at the office working on a Manji that a customer wanted improved--
I thought it played pretty good but I'm doing the work anyway.
The tips of some of the reeds have the markings in question but not others.
I asked Daron this morning and he says they're just laser tuning marks.

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