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I had a dream...
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3000 posts
Dec 18, 2012
8:48 AM
...and I was playing my bullet mic and couldn't get a comfortable handle on it. I was trying to tilt the harp and move the mic, but I just couldn't get a good seal.

Then I finally got comfortable and things sounded good. I realized there was a big gap, though on the underside where my hands were letting in air. When I tried to close the gap, I couldn't get comfortable again. In the confusion, I realized my tone didn't change whether my hands touched to seal correctly or not.

Any psychs on the board? I thought that was a really odd dream as I don't have an issue cupping my mics in real life and often just use a dynamic stick mic anyways. I can't remember what I was playing, or if it was a gig or what, but I have a vivid memory of fumbling with the harp and mic to get comfortable.

***This is the only mic dream I think I've ever had and remembered having. Sometimes I dream about playing gigs, especially with famous musicians, but never about gear or harps...until this week, lol.
Custom Harmonicas

Last Edited by on Dec 18, 2012 8:49 AM
6294 posts
Dec 18, 2012
11:05 AM
Hmm, maybe your subconscious is trying to tell you that you need to invent a bullet mic with an extra protrusion that rests between your chin and your wrists to make a better seal?

Thread Organizer (A list of all sorts of useful threads)
621 posts
Dec 18, 2012
11:41 AM
Maybe Greg has paid you a visit.......
One of Rubes's bands, DadsinSpace-MySpace
Old Man Rubes at Reverbnation
261 posts
Dec 18, 2012
11:51 AM
It needs to be cross-referenced with the significance of your 3000th post. That's all the help I can be.. that and the fact that my spam prev. code has M,F, & G in it. Numerology, etc., meboy. :)
JD Hoskins
256 posts
Dec 18, 2012
12:04 PM
You know Freud would tie your Mother in to this somehow. I think the bullet mic could represent the female breast, but that's as far as I go. 8^)
6296 posts
Dec 18, 2012
2:11 PM
Happy 3000th post!

Thread Organizer (A list of all sorts of useful threads)
1029 posts
Dec 18, 2012
2:33 PM
Many of you know that my wife grew up as a Navajo on the reservation. Those people have all kinds of wacky interpretations for dreams. Using all the credibility that I have gleaned via marriage and residual osmosis I submit the following useless offering:

Subconsciously, you yearn for a simpler time. One in which you have no responsibilities or self-consciousness. This dream serves as a signal for you to examine an aspect of yourself that you may have been neglecting and need to pay more attention to. This dream is rooted in the fear and anxiety that you may not meet other's standards. You are afraid to let others down. To see a microphone in your dream suggests that you need to be more assertive and forceful. You need to voice your opinions more strongly and make your views known. The microphone may also be a pun on someone in your life who is named "Mike".

I'll send you an invoice.

Underwater Janitor, Patriot
177 posts
Dec 18, 2012
7:38 PM
look at the imagery in the probably now very faded dream as a metaphor. Look at the wording of your post to see what internal/external condition that description fits. Look at the mood of the dream, or your recollection of it.
BTW, I am absolutely unqualified in any way to offer any guidance whatsoever in matters concerning the astral world.
6300 posts
Dec 18, 2012
7:50 PM
Did, perhaps, you eat a whopper before you went to bed? They did have that 'small hands' ad campaign for a while.

Thread Organizer (A list of all sorts of useful threads)
320 posts
Dec 18, 2012
9:04 PM
I think it just means that you can't play harp nearly as well as when you are awake.

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