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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > Help Me Win A Contest!
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1588 posts
Nov 08, 2012
8:46 AM
Hey yall!
I've not been around much lately putting in my two cents worth, but I still check in from time to time to see the latest and greatest.
I've been busy with my band and life in general which sometimes gets in the way of fun.
I need your help if you are so inclined.
About the same time I started my blues band back in May, a good friend started an electric folk/Americana band. As far as gigs and such we are both doing okay, but he loves to rub it in that his band has more FB friends than mine does.
So, if I have ever made you laugh, think, pissed you off, played something halfway cool, or you are new to the forum and don't give a rat's ass who I am...just go on your Facebook and "like" my band. Help the band WITH a harp player.
Believe it or not, some venues are now looking at FB "likes" when deciding whether or not to book a band.
I have a couple of videos on the page of you scroll down a bit.
I am forever grateful!
1200 posts
Nov 08, 2012
9:32 AM

JD Hoskins
23 posts
Nov 08, 2012
10:21 AM
I've enjoyed your posts and always had the impression that you were a true gentleman and much more than decent fella, but only the music could make me hit like. I am typically unenchanted with music I hear from posters on most of the forums, so went to your page thinking I probably wouldn't "like", but I was so wrong, I "liked" and "shared" your video. Great all the way around, love the singer.

Last Edited by on Nov 08, 2012 10:21 AM
1589 posts
Nov 08, 2012
12:27 PM
Thanks Kingo and JD! or on the page....Tuck, Rockin Ron, James, Danny, and David. Big thanks to Mr. Gussow himself!
3122 posts
Nov 08, 2012
12:50 PM
Liked and loved.
6185 posts
Nov 08, 2012
1:19 PM
Liked, loved and linked!

edit: (Sorry Tooka, didn't mean to make it sound like I was trying to one up you- I liked the alliteration you had going on. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but like Adam says, you got to make it your own!) :)

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Last Edited by on Nov 08, 2012 1:22 PM
266 posts
Nov 08, 2012
1:53 PM
Wisdom does not always come with old age. Sometimes old age arrives alone.
1590 posts
Nov 09, 2012
3:52 AM
I really appreciate this response. You guys ROCK!
30 posts
Nov 09, 2012
4:17 AM

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