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your favorite harp.
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886 posts
May 19, 2015
1:01 AM
@garlic breath: most G harps will buzz if you use too much breath. Try a softer approach, with a relaxed and very open jaw/throat
Lucky Lester
36 posts
May 19, 2015
10:57 AM
I'm a fan of the Seydel Session Steel, and the half-valved SS in key of D is usually the first harp in my mouth when I sit down to practice. I love the way it bends so easily, both blow and draw! I never used blow bends before but find that this harp encourages you to try them. The covers are smooth and don't catch your mustache. It is very airtight and responds well to hard and soft breath. This current favorite may be temporary as I am awaiting delivery of my Seydel 1847, half-valved in A, from Greg Jones at 16:23 Custom Harmonicas. At 68 years old I find the half-valving a great benefit as my breath strength is not what it used to be.
8494 posts
May 19, 2015
11:54 AM
I don't get rattle on my G harps. I don't even get it on my Low D. My Low Low F rattles a bit. You should be able to control the rattle on a G just with breath force but I can't even get my Lee Oskar G to rattle trying. When you get into low tuned harps it may be an issue.

That said, there are lots of great harps out there. I always encourage people to try different models to see what they like. I like the long body covers on some of the Seydels. They are comfortable in the hands like GMs.

A couple guys have mentioned it, but feel free to start new threads if you have a question. No need to pull up five year old threads, even if they are a great way for some of us old timers to get some nostalgic kicks.
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First Post- May 8, 2009
74 posts
May 21, 2015
8:05 PM
Hohner Crossover. Hands down.
284 posts
May 22, 2015
3:42 PM
I realize this is an old thread,that has veered away to buzzing low keys.but what the hey,I will express my favorite harps.

I like Suzuki manjis,especially with aftermarket combs.

Next I like bushman delta frost,especially with aftermarket combs.

Then,combinations of Suzuki and delta frost parts.

Next ,I like hering.i especially like the master blues ,super 20 and 1923 vintage. Not as wild about their bigger diatonics.

I don't use hohner unless I have to,but I like to make harps that are mixes of hering and hohner parts .the pre-ms meisterklasse was nice.

I used Huang silver tone deluxes throughout the eighties and nineties when they were good and hohner was not.

I still like mixtures of Huang and Suzuki folk master parts for abusive blow bends .i also mix Huang bacpac and hohner parts.

So much fun!!!

41 posts
May 22, 2015
6:28 PM
1. Seydel 1847 Noble
2. Seydel Session Steel

I do own sets of other brands that are mainly used as practice harps.

141 posts
May 22, 2015
7:17 PM
I have a Marine Band that all I did was flat sand and soak the comb in mineral oil, replace nails with screws, and quickly gap the reeds, but somehow, in the process of reassembling it, magic ensued and it now plays like butter. It's my current favorite. unfortunately... it's in the key of Eb...

I have currently tried out just about every harp I could get my hands on in the Sp20 price range. This thread now has me excited about saving my pennies and trying out some models in the Crossover/Manji/Rocket range.

Be humble for you are made of earth.
Be noble for you are made of stars.
2615 posts
May 22, 2015
7:56 PM
One that works pretty good. If I can get the OB 6, bonus. If I can get all the blow bends, awesome. If it's in tune, great. Probably an Ab, A, Bb, C, D, Eb or F. Maybe a major cross tuned harp. Probably not a metal comb, probably not a Manji comb.. Traditional marine band style covers, but not with tabs like a solist pro.. Traditional rounded profile, not bluff like a session or square like a promaster. Hohner reeds or seydel steel. Usually a chord oriented tuning. preferably individual reeds available. That leaves seydel 1847 types and hohner marine band and special twenty types I think. Rules out all suzukis and I've never seen a hering. Did play huangs in the 90s but they became unavailable before online was a thing

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