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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > SPAH 2018 Awards, Part 1
SPAH 2018 Awards, Part 1
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1602 posts
Aug 20, 2018
12:21 PM
Announcing 2018 SPAH Awards, Part 1:

For the Stan Harper Award of Special Merit. Candidates for the Stan Harper award must have benefited the harmonica community in a manner that is deserving of singular honor. They may be individuals who do not play the harmonica, An they may be organizations.

The 2018 Stan Harper Award goes to two deserving recipients:

Manfred Wewers of Toronto, Ontario, SPAH historian and author, and longtime seminar coordinator for the SPAH convention

Frank Davis, longtime mover and shaker of the Gateway Harmonica Club, this year’s host, and recipient of the President’s Award in 2013. Frank was instrumental in making SPAH an event that wasn’t always held in Romulus, Michigan.

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