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Overlooked equipment
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38 posts
Apr 06, 2017
10:57 AM
As we all get serious in playing the harmonica, we all want the latest, greatest effects pedals, amps, microphones, etc. All this is fine. But one piece of equipment that many people, in my opinion, completely overlook. I'm referring to the metronome. The metronome is indespensal for keeping up with the tempo of any song being performed.
3403 posts
Apr 06, 2017
11:03 AM
Amen to that because many harp players have absolutely horrible time!!!
Barbeque Bob Maglinte
Boston, MA
CD available at http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/bbmaglinte
290 posts
Apr 07, 2017
6:04 AM
Hot4Blues, you are absolutely right.

You know the main reason why the metronome is so overlooked... because simply owning it isn't enough. You have to train with it, and that's not a quick process. Also, because timing is a thing of subtlety and nuance, some people just don't get it and will never have it.

I work in a bicycle shop on Saturdays, and I know a lot of guys who have three or four $6K bicycles that can't ride well with a group, aren't fast, and can't climb a hill to save their life. But they can buy really fast carbon-fiber wheels, and it's easier than losing a few pounds or actually training.

It's far easier to spend a couple thousand dollars on a harp amp, custom harps, a fleet of pedals, etc.... anything where the idea is that money will solve the problem without having to do the work.

Granted, this notion is a little more prevalent in the never-ending "quest for a killer amplified sound" than in the pursuit of sheer musicality... but most of those folks (who would spend all that money without developing their own acoustic tone first) are unlikely to hear the subtle difference between someone with okay timing and someone with spot-on beautifully musical timing.
223 posts
Apr 07, 2017
6:40 AM
Cool Cliffy! I work in a bike shop too! During the summers that is.

Amen hot4blues. Working with a metronome is something that is constantly on my "things I should do more" list. I don't know why I don't do it more. Sure, it can be frustrating, but more often then not, I actually find it strangely therapeutic, meditative, and relaxing.

Be humble for you are made of earth.
Be noble for you are made of stars.
4049 posts
Apr 07, 2017
8:19 AM
I would use one but.... i just don't have the time.
82 posts
Apr 07, 2017
10:02 AM
After much practice I still have a problem telling the difference between a metronome and a country gnome.
262 posts
Apr 08, 2017
12:15 AM
Cotton - you've just ruined my day. My family wonders why I spontaneously start giggling, like I should see a shrink.

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